Second Chances (Forgiving the Past) - Chapter 27 - megsmordre23 - Harry Potter (2024)

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Chapter 27

June 12, 1998

Hermione awoke, surrounded in warmth. She could feel arms around her waist and her cheek pressed into the sparse hair of someone’s chest. She opened her eyes and looked up to see Severus, his face relaxed in sleep. He looked so much more peaceful, the crease between his brows smooth, the frown on his lips gone. He was wrapped around her completely. His arms held her close and a leg rested between hers.. She smiled to herself and snuggled back into his chest, enjoying the feeling of his warm body tangled with hers.

“Go back to sleep, Hermione.” he grumbled.

She ran her hands up his chest, her fingers separating the small patch of black hair in the center. She kissed the area above his heart and felt his pulse begin to race before laying her head on his arm and closing her eyes. She could feel his hardening length press into her thigh and thought about pressing against him.

Severus tightened his arms around her and buried his nose in her messy hair. “Sleep, love.” he whispered gruffly.

Hermione huffed and tried to roll over onto her other side, but Severus pulled her tighter against him.

“I don’t want to let you go yet.” he mumbled.

She made the slightest of movements against his erection and looked up at him, his eyes still closed and face still relaxed.

“Hermione,” he said with a warning tone.

“Severus,” she said, mimicking his tone and running a hand down from his chest and abdomen, tracing the thin trail of hair from his belly button to the waist of his boxers.

He released an exaggerated exhale through his nose. “Why so eager before the birds are even singing, love?”

Hermione shrugged her shoulders. “Does it bother you?” she asked.

He opened one eye and looked down at her. “What do you think?” he asked, pushing his hard length against her leg as his own answer.

“I can’t assume to know what you’re thinking, but I know what I’m thinking,” she replied wickedly, her hand moving to rest against the silk boxers that covered him.

“After what you managed to do yesterday, I would think you would want to rest a little more before our departure.” He kissed the top of her head but left her hand pressed against him.

“So you aren’t up for a little bit of fun before we leave,” she said as she grinned up at him. “I get it.”

“I think I can manage a little fun with you, witch.” he growled into her ear, rolling onto his knees and pulling her underneath him.

“Come here, Severus.” she whispered.

When he was nestled between her legs, he leaned down and crushed his mouth against hers roughly, pushing his tongue forward in search of hers. Her lips opened for him, and he swallowed her moan as she rolled her hips against him. He could feel the warmth radiating from her. He was eager to touch her, to please her. With one hand holding him above her, the other snaked down her torso, yanked her knickers down her thighs and began seeking her wet heat.

Hermione groaned, her hips coming up off the bed as he slid a finger through her. His long, callused fingers found her opening and entered her roughly, pressing firmly against the soft, trembling wall. He pulled back and watched her face as her eyes darkened and her mouth went slack.

“Tell me what you need, love,” he said in a husky baritone.

“I need you inside me,” she gasped and arched her back as his fingers moved inside her and his thumb played over her cl*t. She was almost there, she could feel the warm, tingling sensation growing within her and whined when he removed his hand.

There was nothing gentle about the way he pushed into her this morning. His need for her was raw, like he had something to prove to her in the way he made love. He pulled her leg up and laid her calf against his shoulder, changing the angle of his penetration. When she cried out his name and raked her nails down his chest, he growled, increasing the speed of his thrusts. If there was a heaven, he imagined this is what it would be like; surrounded in her warmth, reveling in her deliciously sensuous cries as he sought his own release. If he died right now, at least he would die happy.

“Tell me you’re mine, love,” he demanded.

“I’m yours, Severus.” she cried out.

“Again. Tell me again,” he said through his clenched teeth.

“I’m yours.”

Hermione’s nails dug small crescent moons into his shoulders as she came around him. Her loud whimpers made him twitch as he moved through the tight grip she held on him. He felt the pressure building below his spine and his thrusts became erratic with his own impending release. He buried himself as deep as he could into her when he came, repeating her name like a chant for a spell, or a prayer to one of the ancient gods that had brought her into his life.

Hermione spent a few hours with her grandparents and great-grandmother before they were due to leave. Viola had given her several more journals to read through from her ancestors and hugged her tightly.

“I knew you could do it, child.” Viola stated proudly. “I could see from the moment you were born that you would be the strongest witch in generations. And I’m rarely ever wrong.”

Giuseppe wrapped his arms around her and kissed both of her cheeks. “I have transferred everything we set aside for you over to your own vault at Gringotts, darling. Should you need anything, the funding for it will be there. And if you need more-

”Thank you, grandfather,” she chuckled as he released her, “but I’m sure it will be more than enough.”

Rosalina was last in line for their goodbyes. She dabbed at her watering eyes with a handkerchief and gathered Hermione up into her arms. “If you need anything- anything at all- please call for us. We will do whatever we can for you, my darling girl.” She let go of Hermione and stepped back, handing her a small, white box. “This was mine when I was a girl, and my mother’s before that, and her mother’s before that. It is time that I pass it on to you as the next witch in line.”

Hermione opened the lid and ran her finger delicately over the tiny links of silver. A small, simple bracelet held together with a small, roughly carved turquoise heart. “It’s beautiful, grandmother, thank you,” Hermione hesitated before holding out the box. “But I do not wish to take such a sentimental thing from you.”

Rosalina waved her off. “Nonsense, darling. It was made to be passed down. It was made with us in mind. It gives certain protections that will benefit you greatly as you walk your path. Certain curses, like the Imperius, will not work on you, it does not allow your body to absorb any toxic potions… One day maybe your own daughter or granddaughter will wear it proudly.”

Hermione hugged her again tightly. “Thank you, all of you, for everything you’ve done for us. It means so much to me and…” she swallowed back her tears. “I’m so happy that I found you all.”

“I always knew you would find your way here, child.” Viola said confidently from behind her daughter. “Fate will always bring you back here to us.”

“Speaking of,” Rosalina interjected, “please come visit whenever you wish. We shall keep your rooms ready. It gets lonely around here sometimes, and you all brought a life into these halls I never knew could exist.” Rosalina took another step backwards, reluctantly letting go of Hermione’s hand.

“And we will look after Mr Weasley while you’re gone. One of our elves has been assigned to look after him, to ensure he is fed and cleaned on a regular basis.” Giuseppe added. “When you’re ready for him to return, just send us an owl.”

The rest of the group said their goodbyes, with shaking hands and familiar hugs. Theo, Blaise and Pansy had decided to return to England as well and stay at Malfoy Manor. Giuseppe had given the boys the pick of his top of the line quidditch brooms that morning, and they all stood clutching the handle of their brooms tightly. Neville, not being fond of flying, clutched the terracotta potted plants to his chest and thanked them for allowing him the space to care for his new babies and for allowing him free reign over their greenhouses.

After they finished their goodbyes, Chibsy handed Ginny and Pansy large brown paper sacks and bowed. “Roast beef sandwiches and lemon tea cakes for the road, ma’ams.”

Ginny thanked the elf kindly and handed the bag to Theo. “Carry this for me, Nott” she said cheekily.

They walked out of the front doors and down the long drive. Hermione looked around at the grounds, trying to commit everything to memory. It might have been over the top to her, but it was beautiful nonetheless and she didn’t want to forget where she had finally found this part of her family. Once past the black metal gates, they split into pairs and groups and apparated away, starting their journey back to England.

In Australia, an owl tapped impatiently on the window of the Grangers' kitchen. David opened it excitedly.

“Jean!” he called out toward the stairs.

The owl flew to the island and landed on the apple he had been slicing, pecking away at the pieces of the white flesh as it held out its leg for the recipient to untie the correspondence.

He recognized Hermione’s handwriting and broke the wax seal before calling out again, “Jean! Darling! We've got a letter from Hermione!” His wide smile faded as he read through her letter. .

“David, honey what is it?” Jean asked when she entered the kitchen and saw her husband’s worried face. His mouth pulled into a deep frown and eyebrows knit closely as he read.

“She knows.” He handed Jean the letter and walked to the sink, turned on the cold tap and gathered water into his hands to splash on his face. The chilled water was a shock to his system as he remained bent over the sink, eyes squeezed shut and droplets falling from his nose and chin.

Jean grabbed a hand towel and patted his face dry. “What should we do now, David?” she asked, wiping the stray drops of water from the counter.

“We- We’ll have to go back- to Italy I suppose. Where I grew up…” He turned his worried gaze to his loving wife. “She’s so angry with me, Jean. How do I explain why I chose this?”

“You just tell her the truth,” Jean held his chin gently, her eyes showing him her sympathy and undying loyalty. “Hopefully, she will understand that you did it for us, for love.”

David placed his own hand over the one she held to his face and gave her a nervous smile. “I will arrange for us to leave on the first flight out. Pack our things, dear. It’s time for you to meet my parents.”

If the villa in Vernazza had been the Garden of Eden, Malfoy Manor would be the River Styx in comparison. Hermione had grown used to the light, warm colors that decorated the rooms and halls. She liked the large windows with the open, sheer and lacy curtains that allowed in so much of the natural light throughout the day.

She had forgotten how dark Malfoy Manor looked, regardless of the time of day. Most of the rooms were decorated in cool, dark tones with the curtains drawn over the thick panes of glass. Even if they were open, the gray skies that loomed over England wouldn't have made it any brighter.

The few exceptions throughout the manor were obviously where Narcissa had spent most of her time and taken over with her own feminine, artistic freedom. The black marble on the floors replaced with neutral creams and golds, walls covered with powder blue and creamy damask.

Draco looked around the dark foyer and grimaced. “Doesn't feel much like home anymore…” he muttered.

The house elves had been eagerly waiting for their return, standing in front of the main parlor, excitedly bouncing from one foot to the other. As soon as their guests had arrived, they snatched up the luggage and disapparated.

“They must have grown very bored with no one to attend to,” Lucius commented on his way through the foyer. “Draco and I must see to the wards. Please, make yourselves at home.” He gestured to the main parlor. “I'm sure Bipsy will return shortly to give you the house tour.”

Neville clutched his plants to his chest a little tighter and leaned over and whispered something in Ginny's ear, making her giggle. “I'm sure they don't keep elf heads mounted like hunting trophies here, Neville.”

“Yeah, I'm sure they took those down years ago,” chuckled Harry. “Only the Blacks were crazy enough to display them like prized stags.”

When Teeny reappeared, she addressed Hermione directly. “Teeny is to show Miss Granger to her rooms ma'am.” she said in her high, squeaky voice. She turned and waited for Hermione to follow her up the large staircase.

Hermione remained quiet until they reached the second floor. “What about the others? Where will they be staying?” She asked politely.

“Miss Granger will be staying in the family wing, as will Master Lucius, Master Draco and Mister Snape.” Teeny's tiny feet never slowed as she escorted Hermione and spoke. “The others will be staying in the guest wing. Master Lucius requested that Miss Granger remain close to the masters during her stay.”

“Oh!” She was surprised to learn she would not be staying close to her friends. “But, I am a guest, Teeny. Surely I should be staying with the others. If this wing is for family, I do not wish to intrude.”

Teeny shook her head emphatically, making her ears flop from side to side. “Master Lucius makes a request, Teeny does as Master asks, ma’am.”

When they reached a wooden door with a deep smoky finish, Teeny opened it widely and gestured for Hermione to enter. The bed was placed on a raised platform in the center of the room. Heavy bed curtains of navy blue had been pinned back to show a large bed covered in the same navy, piled with pillows in white and pale yellow.

Wardrobes had been built into the midnight walls and the two bay windows on either side of the far wall were cushioned with matching navy and yellow. Hermione thought that she could probably fit Gryffindor's common room and the girl's dormitory in the bedroom alone. She made a small circle as she took in the intricately carved crown moulding that trimmed the tall ceiling, the swirls and looping of leafy vines etched into the rich wood.

Teeny cleared her throat and interrupted Hermione's gawking. “Dinner will be served in an hour. Teeny has prepared the bathroom if Miss Granger would like to freshen up beforehand.” She walked over to the large wardrobe and opened the door. The size of it made Hermione’s possessions look meager and pitiful. “Teeny has unpacked Miss Granger's belongings and placed them in here.”

She gave a shallow bow and popped out of the room, leaving Hermione alone in an unfamiliar room of the house where she had been tortured not so long ago. A shiver ran up her spine as the memories flooded her mind; Bellatrix cackling as Hermione lay on the rug of the drawing room, her wild hair brushing against Hermione’s cheek as Bellatrix carved into her arm. She wondered if she could sneak Harry and Ginny in tonight before bed. If she surrounded herself with her best friends, maybe she wouldn’t be plagued with the nightmares that she was sure to have.

Hermione wrung her hands as she walked around the bed, thinking of how she could possibly stay here; in the same house, under the same roof that had once sheltered Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix LeStrange. Did they have free reign of the house, she wondered? Did Bella spend her time in this very room, reveling in the atrocities she had committed after returning from a night of killing indiscriminately, setting whole villages ablaze and torturing children?

Draco knocked on the open door and peeked inside. “Are you alright?” he asked. “I can feel your distress and it’s making me feel kind of sick.”

“I’m sorry, Draco-” she started.

“Don’t be sorry, Hermione,” he walked forward and stood in front of her. “It is strange for me to be back here. I can only imagine how you must feel.”

“Did Bella- Did she-” Hermione looked around the room again, her increasing anxiety making her chest tighten and head spin.

Draco grabbed her hands and led her to the closest window seat. “No, she didn't,” he assured her softly. “This was my grandmother’s room. My mother left it as it was for my father and would never allow the likes of people like Bella to enter it.”

“I shouldn’t be staying in here if it-”

“Father wants you here, Hermione. You saw the size of this place. There are plenty of other rooms, but he chose this one. That means he wants you close and cares for you a great deal.” Draco kissed her palm and pulled her into his chest. “Don’t fret. She can’t harm you again. No one here will.”

Hermione relaxed into him and sighed. “It’s a lot; being back here like this.”

“Let’s keep you occupied, then, shall we?” He pulled her up from the seat and led her to the bathroom. “I’ll draw you a warm bath and then I will quiz you on N.E.W.T level Ancient Runes and Charms. If your brain is working, it can’t dwell on my crazy aunt.”

Draco sat on the floor, his back resting against the side of the black clawfoot tub, and asked Hermione questions he remembered from his own tutoring sessions the previous summer as she bathed. When her mind had been pulled away from the fears that had hit him like a fist in the gut, he smiled to himself. He could feel her unease lessening as she relaxed, answering his questions and laughing when he admitted to not remembering the correct answer.

Over dinner, they discussed Lord Voldemort uprooting his followers and setting up a new headquarters at the LeStrange Manor. After Hermione had destroyed his last horcrux, they had a feeling Voldemort would be even more hesitant to leave the safety and confines of the LeStrange family home and move about in the open in England.

“He could feel it each time a horcrux was destroyed,” Harry explained to them. “The part of his soul in the object was still attached to him in some way, so his physical body still felt it. After the locket, my scar felt as though it would split open for days.”

“So he knows there are none left.” Severus observed. “This will make him much more paranoid and dangerous. He has nothing to fall back on anymore and must keep himself away from all potential threats, real or imagined. It’ll be a ‘shoot first, ask questions later’ situation I imagine.”

“He will be more unstable, if that's even possible,” Lucius added. “And more than likely, he will only have his closest, most trusted followers around him.”

“So, if he won't be following after his Death Eaters when they call then…” Neville trailed off, thinking. “What could they possibly do to Harry besides take him to Tom if they happen to catch him?” He asked.

Lucius nodded. “The Dark Lord did command everyone to leave the boy alive. He wanted to deal with that himself.”

“So… what are you getting at Neville?” Draco asked. “We can't just hand him over and hope for the best. That's literally the worst plan I've ever heard, and I've had to listen to a lot of Potter’s sh*te ideas.”

“Draco,” Harry said in a flirtatious tone, “I didn’t realize you cared.”

“Stuff it,” Draco snapped. “If we let you die, Granger will have all of our heads on spikes.”

Ginny made a noise like a cracking whip as she mimicked the movement with her hand.

Lucius chuckled from his seat at the head of the table and gave her an approving nod.

“I am not whipped, Weaselette-” Draco started.

“No, we can’t just send him in alone, but,” Hermione cut Draco off and turned to him. “I mean no offense here, Draco, but most pureblood family trees in England are more like, well, wreaths, if you will. Especially the Blacks. Is it possible that you could access the wards through said wreath?”

Draco shrugged nonchalantly. “No offense taken, Granger, since you are not wrong.” He sat his fork onto his plate as his mind ran through the names of the ancestors he was forced to memorize in his lessons on the Black family tree. “I do recall a Rosier marrying into the LeStrange family, she would be the great grandmother of Druella Black, who is my grandmother, so it is possible I suppose. It depends on how often the LeStrange family updated their wards and how extensively.”

“Then perhaps that familial line was left open.” Hermione was thinking out loud, trying to find a way to work this to their advantage. “If we could possibly try somehow… just to see.”

“Why don’t we go tonight, Granger?” he asked. “I can take us there and if I can get through, we will be one step closer to ending this whole bloody war. The sooner the better.”

Severus’s knife clattered onto his plate, making everyone at the table look up at him. He cleared his throat and took a long drink of the red wine that had been paired with their meal. “I do not think it is a wise decision, Draco. Perhaps Hermione could stay here and I can accompany you. Should your efforts fail, I may be of assistance as I do have extensive experience with wards. And dueling.”

“I’m going, Severus. This was my idea.” Hermione crossed her arms and glared at him from down the table.

“And it is a lovely idea. I simply do not think it is a good idea for the best friend of Harry Potter to be seen meddling about near the Death Eaters’ home base.” While it was true that she shouldn’t be seen near the place for someone to report back, his concern was more for her safety than anything else, but he knew better than to bring that up after the fight he had witnessed between her and Draco on the morning they’d found Scabior.

“Thank you for your concern, Severus, but I’m going.” she sniffed and turned back to her dinner. “That is the end of it.”

Severus’s black eyes hardened as he stared at the side of her face. “Very well.” He picked up his knife and cut into the tender steak. “Then I shall accompany you both.”

“But-” Hermione started.

“That is the end of it.” He smiled at her smugly as he used her own words against her.

“Why do I feel like this has turned into a lover’s quarrel?” Ginny whispered to Pansy.

“Because it is. Duh.” Pansy’s eyes had followed them in their back and forth, noticing each vague sign the two gave off unknowingly. There was definitely something going on there. She knew it.

Draco apparated the three of them along the small stream that ran near the LeStrange Manor in Oxfordshire. They could see the manor looming from where they landed, but the walk there would take them several minutes. Severus sighed and started forward at a breakneck pace, forcing Hermione to practically run to keep up. He didn’t want to waste any time, thinking the quicker they got this done, the quicker Hermione could be back within the protected walls of Malfoy Manor.

“Where’s the fire, Uncle?” Draco asked casually as his long legs carried him easily behind Severus. “Our Hermione is having a difficult time keeping up with your marathoner’s pace.”

“My legs are in fact quite a bit shorter than yours,” she chided, her breathing quick and heavy as she jogged alongside them.

Severus rolled his eyes and shortened his stride. It wouldn’t do them any good to make quick work of it if they lost her along the way. But he still wasn’t happy about being slowed down, especially when she should have stayed with Harry and the others in the first place. Her earlier dismissal of him had left him irritated and the feeling had not subsided since dinner. The more he thought about it, actually, the more irritated he became.

When they reached the boundaries of the estate, Severus put his arm out to hold the two of them back as he looked around, studying the dark grounds closely. He didn’t want any surprises tonight. When he saw no one posted outside and no figures in the dimly lit windows, he motioned Draco forward.

Taking in a deep breath, Draco used his wand to make a small cut into his palm and placed it against the ward. He watched it ripple out smoothly and disappear. “It worked.” he turned to Hermione and pulled her up into a bear hug excitedly. “It bloody worked! You’re a f*cking genius, Hermione!”

Severus cleared his throat uncomfortably at the sight of Draco’s easy affection toward her. “While it is a feat worthy of celebration, might I ask that we continue on this mission?” He clasped his hands tightly in front of him and stepped back. “As I’m sure you are aware, homes such as these tend to be guarded with multiple wards.”

“Oh, right.” Draco set Hermione back down on her feet and turned back to his work. With his wand in hand, he looked up at Severus. “I’m afraid I don’t know as much as you and father about these things.”

With a dramatic sigh, Severus cast a series of spells, aimed at the invisible barriers. “Your typical muggle repelling ward, a confounding ward, magical creature repelling ward, and a rather nasty one for muggleborns.” He listed them off in a bored tone. “Can you undo them or do you wish for me to take over from here?”

“No, I think I’ve got it, Uncle.” Draco could tell from his tone that he was unhappy with them and made a mental note to keep the PDA where Severus would not see it. But the man couldn’t expect him to never touch her. It was just a hug after all.

Hermione smiled up at Severus reassuringly and reached for his hand. When he wrapped his fingers around hers, she leaned against him and closed her eyes as she breathed in his familiar scent of clove and rosemary.

Draco brought the wards down with relative ease and smiled at Severus and Hermione proudly. “I told you I had it.”

Hermione pushed herself up from Severus’s side and nervously scanned their surroundings. “Now what?” she asked.

“We could just go back to the manor,” Draco suggested. “Or we could look around more, try to get a peek at what’s going on.”

Severus nodded. “While we may speculate, we do not know with clear certainty how many followers, or which followers, he has brought here with him.”

“But we told Lucius that we were only going to check out the wards and come back.” Hermione argued. “Surely we could bring more people tomorrow, so we are less likely to be outnumbered.” She stared up at the eerie mansion. It reminded her of an old castle she had seen in a black and white horror movie as a child; Dracula or Frankenstein, she couldn’t remember.

“More people means more chances of being spotted.” Draco stared ahead at the redoubtable mansion. He could feel the darkness surrounding it that once laid claim to his own home. While most of it had dissipated over the weeks that they had been gone, Draco would still get goosebumps when he was in certain areas of the house. The drawing room, for one.

“If you do not wish to go, love, we will not be upset with you for returning.” Severus cupped her cheek and ran his thumb along the smooth pink skin. “We will not force you to go, but this could be one of the few chances we have to see what he is doing.”

Hermione nodded and pulled the shrunken invisibility cloak she had secretly borrowed from Harry out of her back pocket. “For some reason, I knew this would happen.” shaking her head, she returned it to its original size and shook it out. “Men can’t leave well enough alone, can they? Or stick with the damn plan. Why do I even bother making a plan?” she complained as she shook out the cloak.

Draco eyed the cloak and felt a twinge of jealousy. If he had befriended Potter, he would be able to use it whenever he pleased, he thought. “You stay under there, Severus and I will use our disillusionment.”

They were making their own path through the ankle deep grass, working their way closer to the front door of the manor. The night was quiet, broken only by the sounds of surrounding wildlife in the distance. When Severus cast out a strong revealing spell, several bodies appeared to be moving throughout the many rooms. Severus counted and recounted, coming up with eight people in all each time.

When Hermione heard the front door creak open, she pushed Severus and Draco into the shadows and held her breath. A man in the thick, black death eater robes walked out, a cigarette in one hand and the other in his pocket. He brought out his wand, lighting the rolled tobacco with it and returned it to his robes. The cherry burned bright with his deep inhale, and he sighed out a thick cloud of smoke.

He turned his back to the three of them, holding the cigarette with his thumb and forefinger. “Welcome back, Severus.” the man said coolly.

Severus’s eyes widened.

“We knew it was only a matter of time before someone came, but I never imagined it would be you, come back from the dead to take your revenge,” he said as he brought the cigarette back up to his lips and inhaled deeply. “I thought it would be the Potter boy and his mud-” he stopped himself on the vulgar slur. “No, she’s not a mudblood, is she, Severus? She belongs to the Noble House of Esposito. Hidden in the muggle world by her father.” He let out a small laugh and continued. “Either way, Harry Potter and his pedantic little sidekick.”

Severus remained silent, rooted to the spot as he watched the stiff back of Rodolphus LeStrange.

“Come now, Severus. I’m sure the Dark Lord would be thrilled to hear the story of how you defied death.” He flicked the smoldering butt into the grass and turned to face them. “I know you are there, friend. One way or the other you will face him tonight. If you come willingly, he may show you some mercy.” Rodolphus took a step into the plush grass and stared a hole through where they stood. “You can also bring the blonde boy with you. The Dark Lord has been looking for him for quite some time.”

Severus could feel Draco stiffen at his side.

“Did you honestly think we would make it so easy for you this time?” Rodolphus asked. “You may be able to remove the blood wards Draco, but the masters of the estate are always notified of the changes. Perhaps you should have paid more attention to your father when he taught you those lessons.” He turned toward the manor and chuckled. “And Severus, I would know your magical signature anywhere, friend. If there is a next time, maybe use someone less familiar to poke at my wards.”

Severus watched as Rodolphus slowly walked back to the door and placed his hand on the latch. “If I go back inside without you, more will come. I shall make your excuses and give you a few moments to decide how you want this to play out.” He smiled into the darkness and walked back inside, closing the heavy door behind him.

Hermione turned and grabbed them both, planning to apparate them back to the Manor, but it didn’t work. She made a frustrated noise in the back of her throat and tried again, but they didn’t move.

“They replaced the f*cking wards,” Draco hissed. He grabbed Hermione’s shoulders through the cloak and shook her gently. “They didn’t see you. You have to go back and tell the others, Uncle Severus and I will try to delay them.”

“I’m not leaving you two behind. Perhaps if we run back-” Hermione was trembling under the cloak. She would not leave them here, she thought. She couldn’t.

“Love,” Severus said gently. “We would never make it, they would be on us before we reached the boundaries. As much as I hate to say it, Draco is right. You must go back and get the others. We will stall them as long as we can.”

“I can help you,” she pleaded in her growing panic, “please, just let me help you.”

“It’s not a risk I am willing to take, love,” Severus said in a quiet, low voice. “You are far more important- to me, to our world. Go get the others,” his voice began to tremble at the thought of leaving her behind.

“I can’t.” she whispered.

“You can, and you will, Hermione.” Draco hugged her cloaked figure tightly before pushing her to turn around and giving her a gentle shove in the direction of the wards.

Hermione looked back in their direction and sobbed quietly. “I will come back. With or without them.”

She ran for the boundary, her tears blurring her vision and quiet whimpers of her anguish leaving her chest. She heard the heavy door creak open again, but couldn’t make out the words that were said by the LeStrange brother as he escorted Severus and Draco into the large house, the door slamming behind him.

When she made it to the lines that magically marked the estate, she tried to call forth her Patronus, but could only manage a few silvery wisps. She closed her eyes and frantically tried to bring forth new memories of happiness. Her time spent with Draco walking the grounds in Vernazza, laying her head in Severus’s lap as they read quietly in the library. When she tried her Patronus again, her otter appeared, its fur looking bedraggled. She sent a quick message to Harry while she turned the silver ring she still wore on her finger.

Turning swiftly on her heel, she headed back toward the manor. She wouldn’t leave them here, she thought. If she left the wards, she might not be able to get back in. Or it could take them too long to get here and when she returned, Voldemort could have already killed them. There were too many things that could go wrong if she left, she decided. The others would get her message and, hopefully, make it here in time to help her get them back. And if they didn’t, well, she thought, she had the power to end it all, did she not? She would end the entire world, see it burn down to ash that scattered in the wind before she willingly let go of either of them.

Second Chances (Forgiving the Past) - Chapter 27 - megsmordre23 - Harry Potter (2024)
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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Author information

Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.