Air Element Plants: 30+ Divine Witch Herbs And Plants (2024)

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Air element plants are a great way to add the element of Air into your magick.

Learning the correspondences of these air element plants will enable you to utilize them in the ways they were intended to be used.

You can grow these air element plants yourself, or buy them from the store.

All that matters is you know how to use them and what they are used for in witchcraft and magick.

These herbs will be great to use in spells for communication, travel, and for enhancing all spells to help them carry further.

Air mixes well with other elements when you want to boost their effectiveness.

DO NOT INGEST THESE PLANTS unless you know for sure that it isn’t poisonous, doesn’t have any pesticides on it, and won’t interact badly with anything else that you have taken or will take. Be smart and stay safe.

To keep track of the plants you know, make sure you use a Materia Medica.

Learn more about deadly plants in the book Wicked Plants.

Book Of Shadows

Air Element Plants: 30+ Divine Witch Herbs And Plants


Start your journal as a magical herbalist with this list of air element plants.

You can use these plants in travel spells, communication spells, and any spell that relies on the air element.

This PDF is formatted to fit your Book Of Shadows.

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What Is The Air Element?

The air element is an essential part of all magical workings. It is used for protection, healing, divination, and communication. The air element is one of the four elements that make up the witch’s magic. It is the element that gives life to all things, including witches.

The air element in witchcraft is an invisible force that surrounds us and permeates everything we do. It is the energy that makes up our thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions.

Air Element is used for protection against negative energies, and can be used to protect yourself from any kind of attack, whether physical, mental or spiritual. It is very useful when you need to protect your home, family, friends, business partners, employees, customers, clients, etc.

The air element is used in witchcraft spells for memory because it can be used to help you remember things that you have learned. You can use this element to help you remember things like your lessons at school, what you need to do when you get home, and even how to spell words.

This element is used in witchcraft spells for travel because it is associated with the spirit world and Hermes. Air element can be used to help you find your way back home if you get lost. Air element can also be used to help you travel safely when traveling.

The air element is used for healing, protection, prosperity, success, love, luck, good health, happiness, peace, harmony, and many other things. The simplest way to use this element you need to take a deep breath, hold it for a few seconds, then release it slowly. You can do this anytime, anywhere, even while sleeping.

What Is Herbal Magic?

Herbal magic is the use of herbs for occult purposes. There are many different types of herbal medicine. Some people believe that certain plants have magical properties. These beliefs can be found in all cultures throughout history.

Herbs have been used for thousands of years in folk medicine. They can be found growing wild, cultivated or grown in greenhouses. Some herbs are native to certain parts of the world while others were brought over from other countries. Many herbs have been used for medicinal purposes throughout history.

But this folk tradition extends to magical purposes as well. Tales of plants being used to woo lovers, to banish ghosts or demons, and to improve lives have been passed to us from thousands of years in the past. This practice involves the use of herbs and plants in magical rituals and spells.

This type of magical practice is often based on the belief that plants have spirits and can be used to communicate with them.


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Sun
  • Can be used as an incense, perfume, or charm / talisman.
  • The parts that can be used are the flowers, leaves, stems, root, bark, resin, seeds, and essential oil.
  • Can be used for protection, or to increase psychic powers.
Air Element Plants: 30+ Divine Witch Herbs And Plants (2)


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Mercury
  • Can be used as a drug or as a charm / talisman. This mushroom is hallucinogenic, so check local laws and always know your own mind and body before consuming. In Europe this mushroom is related to Wodan’s raven companions, who whisper prophecies in his ear.
  • Tied with fertility as well as death.


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Mercury
  • Can be used as a charm / talisman.
  • Can be used as an oil or as a scent in your body washes or incense. Almonds leaves and other parts of the tree are often used for money spells.
  • Used for money spells, or to increase wisdom.


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Jupiter
  • Can be used as a charm / talisman, incense or perfume, or as an oil.
  • Parts used are the seeds and essential oil.
  • Seeds can be taken with milk to help insomnia. Use the essential oil for protection spells and purifying baths. Also helps with divination and overcoming depression.


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Mercury
  • Can be used as a charm / talisman.
  • Can be used to deal with thieves, protecting items that are important to you.


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Mercury
  • Can be used as a charm / talisman.
  • Good for protection and luck. If you need to break a hex, use bamboo in your spell. This plant is also good to use as a magic wand. The wood can be crushed and burned in protection spells.


  • Gender – Female
  • Planet – Saturn
  • Can be used as a charm / talisman.
  • Said to grant wishes. Carve your desire into a beech twig and bury it in the ground forever. Also helps with creativity.
  • This one is also good for writers! Place a beech leaf between the covers of your diary, book of shadows, or whatever book you’re researching from.


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Sun
  • The resin can be used as an incense and is popular in Japanese, Chinese and Indian cultures.
  • Burn this incense to sanctify your ritual space. Combined with Basil, Peony or Cinnamon, this can bring customers to your business. Good for increasing focus and concentration, and useful for traveling the astral world. Helps to overcome depression and promotes generosity.
  • Benzoin incense is traditionally used during Imbolc and the Autumn Equinox.


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Jupiter
  • Can be used as an incense or as a talisman / charms
  • Used for fertility, protection, wisdom and meditation.


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Mercury
  • Can be used as a talisman / charm.
  • Good for healing and rain magic. Using the root beneath your pillow while you sleep will help you solve problems in your dreams.
Air Element Plants: 30+ Divine Witch Herbs And Plants (3)

Brazil Nut:

  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Mercury
  • Can be used as a talisman / charm.
  • Used in love magic.


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Sun
  • Can be used as a talisman / charm.
  • Grow a bromeliad plant in or near your home to attract wealth, protection and luxuries.


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Mercury
  • Can be used as a talisman / charm.
  • Works to stop theft, and helps with protection, lust, health and increasing your memory. Prevents a lover from straying. Use in dream pillows to help remember dreams.


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Sun
  • Can be used as a talisman / charm or as an incense.
  • Removes obstacles and convinces others to do favors for you. Promotes positive thinking and thus helps with depression and increases your sense of humor. Can be burned as an incense or the fresh flowers can be placed on your altar.
  • Can be used as a hex when burned as an incense with a black candle shaped like a skull.
  • If you’re hiding from someone or something, a chicory talisman helps increase invisibility.


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Sun
  • Can be used as a talisman / charm.
  • Increases psychic powers and healing.


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Mercury
  • Can be used as a talisman / charm.
  • Helps with love by increasing fidelity. Carry with you to increase luck and attract money. Sprinkle around your home to remove negative spirits.
  • Two-leaf clovers bring lovers to you. Three-leaf clovers can be worn for protection. Four-leaf clovers bring peace of mind and help with all mental issues. Five-leaf clovers attract money.
  • White clover will break hexes. Red clover can be used in lust potions or to remove negative spirits.


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Jupiter
  • Can be used as a talisman / charm. Its roots can be used as a coffee replacement and its leaves can be used in salad.
  • Useful for promoting psychic powers. The tea calls spirits when it is steaming and placed beside the bed. Blowing the seeds off the head of a dandelion will carry your messages to their recipients.
  • The root is useful for divination. The leaf will call spirits and defeat negativity.


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Jupiter
  • Can be used as a talisman / charm.
  • Good for love potions and sex magic.


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Mercury
  • Can be used as a talisman / charm.
  • In Druidry, ferns are sacred trees. The fronds can be dried and carried for good luck, while the root can be added to love potions and the fronds eaten by those seeking love. Protective and can be used to exorcise evil spirits. Brings rain and increases health and mental clarity. Burning a sprig before a test can help with memory.
  • Don’t ingest alcohol with this herb, as it can cause blindness and death.


  • Gender – Female
  • Planet – Venus
  • Can be used as a talisman / charm.
  • Good for money magic and divination.


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Sun
  • Can be used as a talisman / charm.
  • Brings luck and fertility. Grants wishes and is protective. This is a sacred tree in Druidry, and is seen as a tree of wisdom, inspiration and poetry.
  • The nuts and branches can be used.
  • Eat the nuts before divination, and use the forked branches as divining rods. Good for wands. Hang nuts in the house to bring luck or fertility. Hazel crowns can grant wishes.
Air Element Plants: 30+ Divine Witch Herbs And Plants (4)


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Mars
  • Can be used as a talisman / charm or as an incense / perfume.
  • Good for healing and to help with sleep / cure insomnia. Use in pillows to help with sleep.


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Mercury
  • Can be used as a talisman / charm.
  • Use this in protection spells. It brings mental clarity during rituals and stimulated creativity. Can be used to bless homes and placed near doors to keep trouble out. Protects against those who would seek to control you magically.


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Jupiter
  • Can be used as a talisman / charm.
  • Good for protection, luck and love.


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Mercury
  • Can be used as a talisman / charm, incense / perfume, or anywhere else really. This is great for relaxation and can be used in baths.
  • Relaxation, sleep, peace and purification. Promotes healing and wards off depression. Can be used to attract men. Burn during childbirth to ease the pain and bring tranquility to the room.


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Sun
  • Can be used as a talisman / charm.
  • Used for healing, protection and love. Promotes calmness and strengthens love that has already been formed. The essential oil can be used to cure anxiety, acne, insect bites and much more.
  • Pierce a lime with iron nails, pins, needles and spikes before burying in a deep hole to rid yourself of hexes. The twigs protect against the evil eye.


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Mercury
  • Can be used as an incense / perfume.
  • Increases psychic powers. Promotes concentration and self discipline, so it should be used for studying or while working on long projects.


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Jupiter
  • Can be used as a talisman / charm.
  • Love, money, wealth and good luck.


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Mercury
  • Can be used as a talisman / charm.
  • Brings happiness according the the ancient Greeks. Place on graves to bring joy to those who have died. Weave into bridal wreathes to bring joy to the marriage. Place under pillow for prophetic dreams. Used in love spells or added to a lover’s food. Shields from evil energies and can guard against colds. Also helps to treat depression.


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Mercury
  • Can be used as a talisman / charm.
  • Brings energy, communication and vitality. Good for travel and protection spells. Draws customers to a business. Good for healing. Because they grow so wild in gardens, can be used to help convince someone to agree with you (your ideas grow and take over their mind). Draws good spirits to you.


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Sun
  • Can be used as a talisman / charm.
  • This plant acts as a gateway, because it represents the time between two seasons and the time between dusk and dawn.
  • Used to draw luck and money to you. Also used as protection, especially hung over cradles to protect babies from fairies. Twigs can be used as wands or as the handle of ritual knives. Sacred to hunters and healers.
  • The berries are poisonous, so handle with care.
Air Element Plants: 30+ Divine Witch Herbs And Plants (5)


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Mercury
  • Can be used as a talisman / charm.
  • Used for protection / strength. The wood can be used as a talisman to ward off evil and can be used for magical wands. It will also protect your property from lightning. Using the fruit in a tea will increase wisdom and your ability to think. Pick just before the sun sets, and then set the fruit on your altar overnight with a candle burning until the first light of the morning.


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Mercury
  • Can be used as a talisman / charm.
  • Used for protection.


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Mercury
  • Can be used as a talisman / charm or as an essential oil.
  • Be careful when using this herb as food, as it can be bad for the kidneys.
  • Sacred to Persephone, this herb was often used in funerals. Calms and protects the home, drawing in prosperity and luck. Use in baths to stop misfortune or wear as a wreath to avoid intoxication. Increases vitality after illness. This is also an herb that can be used in love potions.


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Mercury
  • Can be used as a talisman / charm.
  • Pecans are associated with work, and thus should be used as talismans when searching for a job or a raise. While eating pecans, visualize yourself enjoying your job. Take the shells to work and hide them where they can’t be found.


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Mars
  • Can be used as a talisman / charm or incense / perfume.
  • Known as the tree of peace by the Native American Iroquois confederacy. Burned, pine can purify the home. When you’re ending a friendship or relationship, pine promotes clean breaks. It removes negative energy either burned or used to brush the ground with a branch. Burned as incense, it can bring in money and healing. Because it is evergreen, it is associated with immortality. The cones are connected to fertility.
  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Sun
  • Can be used as a talisman / charm.
  • Associated with rain, fertility, money and protection.


  • Gender – Male
  • Planet – Jupiter
  • Can be used as a talisman / charm.
  • Helps with dealing with grief and loss. Carry this to improve your mental state and bring wisdom. Connected with immortality and wishes. It absorbs negativity and misfortune.

Slippery Elm:

  • Gender – Female
  • Planet – Saturn
  • Can be used as a talisman / charm.
  • Stops others from gossiping about you.

What Are Elemental Correspondences?

Elemental correspondences aren’t necessary for most spells, but they can be extremely helpful to boost the effectiveness of a spell or ritual. Because of that, it is helpful for witches to learn everything they can about the elements and how to call them.

An elemental correspondence is a relationship between two plants that share similar properties or that relate to other entities such as planets or deities.

Here are some ways to figure out whether a plant is ruled by Air or not:

Planet correspondencesIf the plant is ruled by Mercury, Jupiter, or Uranus, they will usually be Air plants.
Physical characteristicsTall plants that touch the sky, rootless plants like mosses, and anything that has a seed that travels by air will probably be an Air plant.
WeightIf the plant is lightweight, it is probably an Air plant.
FragranceIf the plant smells fresh, clean, or is especially aromatic, it is likely an Air plant.
GenderThis one is a little weird to me, but Air plants tend to have a masculine nature. This is easy to tell if the plant is phallic!
Growth tendenciesIf the plant is prolific or grows especially fast, it is probably an Air plant.
ColorYellow plants are most likely to be Air plants.

Book Of Shadows

Air Element Magic: Elemental Magic For Beginners


What are the magical correspondences of the element of air? How can you use the air element in witchcraft?

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Keep Reading

  • Air Element Magic: Elemental Magic For Beginners
  • Magical Uses For Meats And Other Animal Products
  • Tips For The Solitary Witch

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