Z-13's writings - FrenchLobster - Pressure (Roblox) [Archive of Our Own] (2025)



During the Z-13 experimentation process, the patient [Sebastian Solace] was provided with an empty book- a diary of sorts- to write internal reactions to the changes in his body, such as any pain that could not be seen by scientists. This writing was intended to be used in Z-13’s main file, but due to ‘unprofessionalism’ in the writing, with the patient describing more psychological pain than physical, it was decided to be given its own file to be accessed separately.

Z-13 was assigned to write at least one entry every day. After a certain date, the effects on his body and restrictions set by scientists made it so that he could not continue writing entries.

At the end of each entry, scientists included an update log on his physical changes they could see.

[for convenience of digital archive: Z-13 entries are unformatted while notes by scientists are bold]

Below are the entries written by Z-13.


February 7, 2015

I was given this journal with the directive to ‘write down any physical pain I may be experiencing throughout the week.’ I’m fully aware that these greedy data fuckers are going to put everything I write here right in some database, but I’m not just gonna not write in it. I don’t really see the point in stopping them, because they’re just going to find some other way to record how I feel if I refuse. Besides, writing here might keep me from going mental if I’m going to be cooped up in a room for a week (will it even be a week??? They keep telling me that time, but I’m not even sure what they’re doing to me and they probably aren’t even sure themselves).

Butttttt since this is going in some database somewhere I’ll assume there’s gonna be someone who doesn’t know who I am, so I’ll just write it here so they add it to their files or whatever.

Sebastian Solace (which they probably already recorded), I’m 22, and I was just charged with killing 9 people, 6 of them with a gun and the other 3 by running them over. Which I, yknow, didn’t do, but I guess the justice system is like that. Instead of being electrocuted to death in front of my family, they chose to drag me down here. I’m not even sure why- this place is super vague with reasons for everything. When I asked one of the people working here, hey, why was I brought down here instead of being killed, they just tell me ‘for future use’ and walk away, which is super creepy. I do think I know what they meant by it now, though. I was just stuck here kinda standing around for about a month before they said I would be part of some experiment, about 2 days ago, I think. They said something about breathing underwater before promptly knocking me out and, I’m assuming, sticking something in my blood. And then I woke up here (one of those experiment rooms I’ve seen them have some other random creatures in, the gray room with the glass at the top to help them stop escaping. Except here, about a quarter of the space is carved down about 10 feet in the floor with a lot of water in it, I’m assuming to test whether I can breathe in it) with a journal and some instructions to:

    a) write in this thing every day andb) report to the people watching me if anything feels seriously wrong- by pressing some big red alarm button they have near the door (which is locked from the other side)

I tried pressing the button once just to fuck with them, but then they came down here and threatened to ‘rediscipline me’ (beat me up) if I ‘falsely reported any grave or serious internal injuries I may be suffering’ while waving some metal sticks around, so I’m not doing it again.

They come in here two times a day to serve me some shitty food, and three times a day with water I can drink. It’s all fish. If I have to eat this crap every day they’re keeping me down here, I will be seriously tempted to try to drown one of the scientists in that pool they provided me. I will most definitely get in trouble if they see that. But what’s the harm in giving me actually decent food? I’m aware that this is an underwater facility- with it obviously being the reason I was brought down here to go fish-mode - but I’m sure they eat stuff other than this crap. It’s cooked to a crisp, and they keep all the bones in, too. I know I’m still a prisoner to them, but what the hell????

No physical pain today. I genuinely hope nothing happens to me and it just ends up being a flunk experiment, because I know that what they do for experiments is almost always brutal. But, knowing my luck, it’s gonna be even more painful than that eye experiment they put that poor shark through.

I do hope it’s okay though. Two best case scenarios: One is that I turn out fine and maybe just get a headache from whatever they pumped in me. Two is that I die, because I don’t want eyeballs replacing all of my internal organs.

[end of: entry 1]

There were no outward changes to Z-13’s body documented at the end of this entry date.

February 8, 2015

I still don’t feel anything, which is either a really good sign, or a really bad sign.

I hate to admit it, but I’ve been feeling pretty homesick lately. It’s like I’m a 9 year old girl on my first ever sleepover again, but worse, because I know that there’s no mom to come pick me up in her car the next morning. I’m genuinely stuck here, and I will most definitely be dying down here. Everyone above ground already thinks I’m dead, so it would be better for me to make that statement true. Six feet under, right? But I’m way more than six feet underground at the moment.

Times when I’m alone here and with nothing to do, I think about a lot of stuff. Lucky me, this experiment is giving me a lot of alone time, and therefore thinking time. Rethinking and reliving every moment of your life isn’t the most pleasant thing to spend my time on, but at least I’m not horribly bored.

I suppose I can recount a bit of my life here, if fresh eyes are going to be reading it. I grew up in America with my mother and two siblings, an older sister and younger brother. I was relatively popular, grew up, yada yada, and attended the University of California. I was going to go into business, but that was absolutely awful, so I switched to engineering, which was infinitely better. I also minored in music, mainly because I was good at it and enjoyed it as well. I played the electric guitar mostly. I was in a kinda band with my friends. We weren’t some official thing trying to make it in the world or anything, but we would get together in his garage (his house was basically right next to the campus) and play covers of songs we liked (Girls & Boys by Blur was by far the best cover we had ever made). Engineering was nice, too. There were times I would have killed to do anything other than sit in those classes, but right now, I wish I could go back to that.

I do admit, I wasn’t the smartest person when it came to deciding who to hang out with when I hit 20. I ended up hooked on tobacco and into a lot of other really shitty stuff. I got into street fights often, and ended up with a scar covering half of my face. I stopped living on the streets like that only about a year after my 20th, but it still left a lot of damage (such as the huge scar I just mentioned). But those incidents did lead to the police being on my tail at all times, which is most likely the reason they thought I was some crazy drive-by shooter.

I guess I also miss my family. I never knew my dad, but my mom was always there for us. She was stressed often- we were a low-class family, and she was a single mom with three kids- but she did her best. My siblings were both nice. I got in a lot of fights with my brother, but we still loved eachother, naturally. My sister was my idol. She helped me through everything in life. My transition, school, name something hard in life and she helped me. I initially went into business to follow her footsteps, but she was the person who convinced me to switch to engineering when I was unhappy in the major. I miss her, a lot. I’m not able to talk to her, obviously. Even if I wasn’t declared dead and she didn’t think I had my head cut off, these people wouldn’t send a message to her, or anyone in my family for that matter.

It is better this way, though. What would I say to them? Hey, I’m not dead, but I’m either going to die in a way worse than just being executed, or turn into some horrific deformed monster? I’d rather not keep them disturbed.

[end of: entry 2]

There were no outward changes to Z-13’s body documented at the end of this entry date.

February 9, 2015

I’ve been itchy. Way too itchy for it to be normal, so I guess whatever they did to me has started kicking in (or they have mosquitos down here).

It’s been driving me genuinely insane. I started writing here to take my mind off of it, but even now I’m rubbing my legs together. It’s painful when I’m not scratching them, it’s painful when I am, and I’m now stuck with the confirmation that I am, in fact, not going to be able to stay the same as I have down here.

I don’t really have much to say. It’s a shame, really- I’ve said a lot of what I want to say already. I’m not gonna be able to say anything for much longer, so it’s a good thing I got this all out of the way.

[end of: entry 3]

Upon waking up, Z-13 began itching his legs excessively, mostly in his inner thighs. Most of his skin in his legs and lower abdomen have developed a rash, where he has been itching.

Beginning tomorrow, we will implement body checks after each meal. We hope to be able to assess and discuss the problem after first meal, and fix the problem or at least lessen the issue after second meal.

February 10

It’s been completely shitty. After breakfast they stayed in the room to look at my legs, and then at dinner put me in these kind of heavily padded pants that (at least I think) give double use, making it harder for me to scratch them and working as a bandage/ointment over the red parts. But I did find that I can use the edge of the pool as a scratcher by just rubbing my leg up and down it. It works better with the padding than my hands, only at the cost of getting my feet wet.

It’s way too painful. I feel like my skin is peeling off, and scratching it only makes it worse. But at the same time, it’s painful when I don’t scratch it. Lose lose situation. I know that it’s probably worse for me to itch it, but maybe if I keep doing it they’ll take my legs off and then see no use in trying to make me breathe underwater and shoot me or something.

I’m really glad they don’t have cameras in here. I mean, they do, but I can tell it’s off because that red light under it isn’t on (either that or it doesn’t have the red light). It’s been pretty pathetic. I spend half the day crying and scratching my leg, and the other half sleeping. I genuinely do not have any energy.

[end of: entry 4]

After assessing the leg region, we are unsure of the reason for intense itching and rashes. We provided Z-13 with thick leggings to hopefully stop him from scratching his skin too harshly and causing any unnecessary side effects.

February 11

I ripped the pants off on accident before my breakfast and half of my skin was completely off. It had just peeled off and I was bleeding everywhere. Not even half a minute after some of them came in, knocked me out with some gas, and when I woke up they put on new and thicker padding. Now that I know whats happening to my legs the painful itchiness is now just painful. I have to force myself to stop itching them but even more parts of my body are turning red and itchy like my arms, chest, neck, and my face.

I dont want this. I didnt want any of this to happen to me. I wish some superhero would come down here and save me but it isnt like this is some video game. Even if I was saved my skin would still be peeling off.

[end of: entry 5]

At roughly 4:37 AM, scientists noticed that Z-13 had ripped open his provided leggings, and that there was excessive bleeding in his inner thigh and general leg area. Workers immediately replaced the leggings with more bandage in hopes to avoid bleeding out. Additionally, at first meal scientists noticed an increase in rashes all over the body.

Starting tomorrow, we will be giving Z-13 three meals a day to help preserve energy. We will be performing tests on damaged areas to see if there are any solutions to pain that may numb Z-13, but we will try not to create any medicines that will disturb the process and will prevent him from achieving our main goal.

Feb 12

My bones are achIng. EverythIng hurts. I Dont want to wrIte anymore because It aches but Its the only thIng I can do to take my mInd off thIngs.

I mIss my famIly I would do anythIng to go back to the surface Just to see someone who can make me feel okay.

I dIdnt notice It before but my legs are growIng. The pants they gave me are already tight and on the verge of ripping and I can see the blood seeping through. But I dIdnt notIce because everythings been actIng weIrd. I just want help

[end of: entry 6]

There has been a general growth in size in Z-13. We have now realized that this has been happening since the beginning of the experiment, but we only just noticed a severe spike in this growth.

F 13

I wILL kILL them all

I decIded that I wILL sUrvIve thIs so that I can kILL them all. I dont care If theY are reading thIs I want them to know I wILL not let them get away wIth pUttIng anyone else throUgh thIs ever agaIn.

[end of: entry 7]

Upon checking under Z-13’s padding, we found large patches of open skin on his leg and lower abdomen, similar to the previous day but with more skin shed off. Additionally, other rashes, such as the ones developing on his arms and face, have begun losing skin as well.

There are two oddities of these occurrences, however- first that the open areas have stopped bleeding, and second that hard light blue material has begun growing in the open skin on his outer legs and abdomen. We currently believe he is growing scales as a side effect to the DNA we inserted.

Additionally, Z-13 continues to rub and keep his inner thighs close together, keeping his legs touching any time he can. Upon inspection, we have found that bones in his legs seem to be destroying themselves, making it so that it is less painful for him to keep his legs apart. We are unsure why or how his bones are doing this.

We will continue to inspect any changes in his body. Once we see enough similar patterns that lead to a set answer, we will report them to higher-ups for insight.


mY fInGers Are bleedIng

[end of: entry 8]

[note: this log was written on roughly March 6th, about 20 days after February 14]

Upon completing this entry, Z-13 passed out and did not wake up, but remained alive. He was relocated to a separate room where scientists could be in the same proximity of him and continue testing him and looking for any treatments to ensure he did not die.

The following few days, Z-13 remained unconscious, but his body continued changing. Workers pinpointed the changes in his leg to be the creation of a large tail similar to that of a whale. Z-13 did end up developing gills, and the supposed ability to breathe underwater based on changes to his respiratory system, but it has yet to be tested.

Other changes to Z-13’s body include: Replacement of human eyes with those of an anglerfish along with a new set of eyes above it, replacement of human teeth with sharper teeth similar to that of a sea snake, an increase in limbs and bones slightly above the hip suggesting an area for growth of a second set of arms, and (as listed above) light blue scales beginning to cover the body, a change in several systems- most notably the respiratory system, and development of a tail to replace the legs.

While this experiment was semi-successful, we intend to be able to remove any changes to the body besides the new respiratory system.

The full transformation process has not completed yet, but this marks the end of Z-13’s entries.

[for more information on 7-13’s transformation, please refer to: respiratory-gill procedure]

[end of document]

Z-13's writings - FrenchLobster - Pressure (Roblox) [Archive of Our Own] (2025)
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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.