Keeping the NPCs in Terraria happy lets you access a bunch of cool and rare items, but they can be a little fickle.
You'll encounter various NPCs during your travels through the different Biomes in Terraria, and some of them will want to move to your town. You'll need to ensure these NPCs have an empty house to move into, how many and which types of NPCs live beside them and what Biome they live in to achieve optimal happiness.
The Zoologist, for example, prefers living in the Forest Biome, and you'll be able to purchase the Leather Whip from them if they're happy enough. Another upshot of having happy NPCs is that you'll be able to place Pylons in the Biomes that will allow you to fast travel.
Terraria - How to unlock NPCs and make them happy
Your Bestiary will give you details of who likes what and why, which makes placing NPCs a little easier. There are at least 25 NPCs to find and each has their preferred Biome to live in, neighbours and requirements for unlocking. Each NPC will offer you something unique like recipes, supplies and some can even heal you and remove buffs. If you have at least two happy NPCs in a Biome, you can purchase a Pylon that will allow you to teleport around the world.
NPC | Where to find them | Preferred Biome | Preferred neighbours | Reward |
Arms Dealer | Must have guns or bullets in your invetory | Desert | Nurse and Steampunk | Sells guns and ammo |
Angler | Can be found in or near the Ocean | Ocean | Demolitionist, Party Girl and Tax Collector | Will give you fishing quests and rewards |
Clothier | Can be found after defeating the Skeleton | Underground | Truffle and Tax Collector | Will sell you Vanity outfits |
Cyborg | Can be found once Plantera is defeated | Snow | Steampunker, Pirate and Stylist | Will sell you proximity mine launcher, nanites and rockets |
Demolitionist | You must have an explosive in your inventory | Underground | Tavernkeep | Will sell you explosive |
Dryad | You must defeat a boss | Jungle | Truffle and Witch Doctor | Sells nature-related items and will inform you about Hallow and Corruption levels |
Dye Trader | Either find a dye item and kill a boss or acquire a Strange Plant | Desert | Arms Dealer and Painter | Sells dye vat crafting station and will give you rare dyes if you trade Strange Plants |
Goblin Tinkerer | Can be found in a cave after the Goblin invasion | Firest | Golfer and Nurse | You'll get the Tinkerer's Workshop and can reforge items |
Golfer | Can be rescued from underground Desert | Forest | Painter and Zoologist | Will sell golf items |
Mechanic | Can be rescued from Dungeon | Snow | Goblin Tinkerer and Cyborg | Will sell mechanic items |
Merchant | You can persuade him to join you for 50 silver | Forest | Nurse and Golfer | Will be a permanent vendor |
Nurse | Get a sixth heart in your health bar | Hallow | Arms Dealer and Wizard | Can heal you and remove buffs |
Painter | Will arrive once eight NPCs have moved in | Jungle | Dryad and Party Girl | Sells paintings, Jungle Pylon and Painting tools |
Party Girl | She'll spawn after 14 NPCs have moved in and can sometimes be found on the Secret Seed | Hallow | Wizard and Stylsit | Sells party items |
Pirate | Can be found once Pirate invasion is over | Ocean | Angler and Tavernkeep | Sells Summoner equipment, Imbuing Station, Blowgun and Fountains |
Santa Claus | Can be found when the Frost Legion is defeated at Christmas time | Snow | Everyone except the Tax Collector and Desert Biome | Sells Christmas items |
Steampunk | Can be found after you defeat a Mechanical boss | Desert | Cyborg and Painter | Sells Steampunk items, Jetpack and Teleporter |
Stylist | Can be found in the Spider Cave | Ocean | Dye Trader and Pirate | Can change your looks |
Tax Collector | Use Purification Powder to transform a Tortured Soul | Snow | Merchant and Party Girl | Generates a lot of money for you depending on the number of NPCs you have |
Tavernkeep | Defeat Eater of World or Brain of Cthulhu | Hallow | Demolitionist and Goblin Tinkerer | Sells Summon items and will help fight the Old One's army |
The Guide | Must start a new world | Forest | Zoologist and Clothier | Will give you hints, tips and recipe and will sacrifice themselves to Wall of Flesh |
Truffle | Build a house in and above ground at the Glowing Mushroom Biome in Hardmode | Surface Mushroom | Guide and Dryad | Sells Mushroom items |
Witch Doctor | Can be found once Queen Be is defeated | Jungle | Dryad and Guide | Sells Summoner equipment |
Wizard | Can be rescued from Cavern Layer in Hardmode | Hallow | Golfer and Merchant | Sells magic items |
Zoologist | Must have 10-15% of Bestiary completed | Forest | Witch Doctor and Golfer | Sells leather whip and animal related items |
Terraria - How to unlock Pylons
You'll need to make sure that you place each NPC near another that they like in the correct Biome where possible. Once they are happy enough, you can buy Pylons for fast travel. Only specific NPCs sell Pylons and you'll need to use specific pairs to unlock them:
- Zoologist and Guide
- Arms Dealer and Nurse
- Mechanic and Goblin Tinkerer
- Stylist and Angler
- Clothier and Demolitionist
- Painter and Dryad
- Party Girl and Wizard
Once you've got a Pylon, place it and you can fast travel between Biomes as long as there are at least two Pylons placed. You can check out this handy guide from HappyDays for more info on Happiness.
Now that you've done that, you can check out our guides on where to find every Whip and how to summon and defeat the Empress of Light.
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