Simulated Universe World 6 Guide | Honkai: Star Rail|Game8 (2024)

Simulated Universe World 6 Guide | Honkai: Star Rail|Game8 (1)

Check out how to beat Simulated Universe World 6 in Honkai: Star Rail! We've got information for each difficulty, best Paths, teams, recommended characters, how to beat Cocolia, and all rewards here.

Simulated Universe Guides
World 1 World 2 World 3
World 4 World 5 Simulated Universe World 6 Guide | Honkai: Star Rail|Game8 (7) World 6
World 7 World 8 World 9

List of Contents

  • Difficulty Levels
  • Best Paths
  • Best Characters
  • Teams
  • How to Beat Cocolia
  • Rewards
  • Related Guides

World 6 Difficulty Levels

World 6 Difficulty 1

How to Unlock • Complete Stars Spun, Prescience Sprung
• Complete Simulated Universe World 5 - Difficulty 1
Recommended Level Level 60
Enemy Levels

Level 59:

Level 65:

World 6 Difficulty 2

How to Unlock • Complete Simulated Universe World 6 - Difficulty 1
• Reach Equilibrium Level 4
Recommended Level Level 67
Enemy Levels

Level 66:

Level 72:

World 6 Difficulty 3

How to Unlock • Complete Simulated Universe World 6 - Difficulty 1
• Reach Equilibrium Level 5
Recommended Level Level 76
Enemy Levels

Level 75:

Level 81:

World 6 Difficulty 4

How to Unlock • Complete Simulated Universe World 6 - Difficulty 1
• Reach Equilibrium Level 6
Recommended Level Level 80
Enemy Levels

Level 84:

Level 90:

Best Path for World 6

The Abundance Path

Simulated Universe World 6 Guide | Honkai: Star Rail|Game8 (31)

Abundance is the most consistent Path that you can use for clearing World 6. Not only does this Path provide a lot of healing, but it also provides a big chunk of damage through Dewdrop, which is charged based on certain Blessings and then deals DMG when you attack.

By using this Path, we highly recommend picking up every Abundance Blessing you can find in your run!

Use with Destruction or Preservation Blessings

Simulated Universe World 6 Guide | Honkai: Star Rail|Game8 (32)

We suggest getting Preservation or Destruction Blessings that increase survivability like Regression Inequality of Annihilation, which distributes all damage equally among allies, or Construct - Patch , which creates a shield when damaged

List of All Paths

Pick Code Curios When You Can

Curio Effect
Simulated Universe World 6 Guide | Honkai: Star Rail|Game8 (33) Infinitely Recursive Code Fixing this code into a normal Curio takes 3 Battles.
While the code is being fixed, each time after a character uses a Skill, they consume 1 extra Skill Points. Once the code is fixed, this Curio makes characters' Basic ATK recover extra Skill points.
Simulated Universe World 6 Guide | Honkai: Star Rail|Game8 (34) Normal Code Fixing this code into a normal Curio takes 3 battles.
While the code is being fixed, allies take 35% more DMG while their HP percentage is below 50% of their Max HP.
Once the code is fixed, this Curio reduces DMG taken by allies.

For Curios, we recommend the Infinitely Recursive Code and Normal Code Curios. The Recursive code will help you gain 1 extra Skill Point when doing basic attacks, which will come in Cocolia's fight while Normal Code will help you take reduced damage.

List of All Curios

Best Characters for World 6

Character Merits
Seele Seele is an extremely good character for World 6. Not only are most of the Elite enemies weak to Quantum, but she can also one-shot Cocolia's summons while buffed, making her an effective Pseudo AoE DPS!
Sparkle Sparkle is a great support for World 6. She provides offensive buffs for the party and she also increases the party's SP limit. Her Ultimate also restores SP for the party.
Himeko Himeko is a very strong Fire-Type AoE damage dealer that we highly recommend in World 6. As an AoE damage dealer, she can cause Weakness Break on all enemies in the field, which helps in destroying Cocolia's summons while also damaging her.
Jing Yuan Four out of the five elite enemies in World 6 are weak to Lightning, making Jing Yuan a strong character to bring as a Main or Sub-DPS for your team.
Acheron Acheron's is a solid choice for World 6. Her main damage source is her Ultimate and you have to stack her Talent to use it. To do so, you need to apply debuffs to enemies. So, you have to team her up with Nihility characters and others who have a debuff.
Topaz Topaz is a strong Fire-Type damage dealer who is best paired with another DPS with follow-up attacks since Topaz can increase DMG received from follow-up attacks. You can also obtain more Cosmic Fragments and a chance to get a Curio whenever you use her Technique before a battle.
Guinaifen Guinaifen is a good sub-DPS for World 6 since most enemies are weak to Fire. Guinaifen can apply Burn to multiple enemies and trigger the DoT instantly with her Ultimate.
Lynx A lot of attacks during the Cocolia boss fight might freeze your characters, so bringing Lynx for her team-wide cleanse is highly recommended, even if you do use the Path of Abundance.
Fu Xuan Fu Xuan can decrease the DMG taken by other party members and her Skill can prevent Freeze once after every Skill activation.
Trailblazer (Fire) Trailblazer's taunt can redirect all of Cocolia's Single Target damage to themselves. They also deal a bit of AoE Fire damage, which will help in applying Weakness Break!
Gallagher Gallagher is a solid healer for World 6 since almost all enemies are weak to Fire. He can apply an ATK reduction debuff using his Enhanced Basic ATK, which is useful against Cocolia. His Talent also heals his allies as long as they attack a Besotted enemy.
Silver Wolf Silver Wolf, can add an Elemental Weakness to enemies using her Skill, allowing you to run a Wind or Imaginary team for World 6!

Best Teams for World 6

Free To Play Team

Main DPS Sub-DPS /
Support Healer
Serval Trailblazer (Fire) Asta Natasha
Paths & Blessings Path: Abundance Blessings: Abundance, Preservation

Serval, Fire Trailblazer, Asta, and Natasha are all excellent F2P choices to clear World 6 because of Cocolia's weakness to Lightning and Fire. Asta and the Trailblazer will act as damage dealers when required to apply Weakness Break on enemies weak to Fire.

Optimal Teams

Seele Team

Main DPS Support Support Healer
Seele Sparkle Bronya Fu Xuan
Paths & Blessings Path: The Hunt Blessings: The Hunt, Abundance, Preservation

Seele is one of the best Main DPS units to fight against Cocolia because of her high single-target damage. She also has the potential to one-shot Cocolia's summons with the right buffs!

Bronya and Sparkle provide offensive buffs and SP restoration respectively. Fu Xuan reduces the damage the party takes and allows your characters to resist one debuff with her Skill, which can be crucial for Cocolia's fight.

Acheron Team

Main DPS Sub-DPS Support Healer
Acheron Guinaifen Silver Wolf Gallagher
Paths & Blessings Path: Erudition or The Hunt Blessings: Erudition, The Hunt, Abundance, Nihility

Since Acheron is the DPS, you want to pair her with a maximum of two Nihility characters to maximize the DMG buff of her Bonus Ability. Guinaifen can be the team's sub-DPS since she has a Burn DoT and Firekiss.

While most enemies are already weak to Quantum, you still want Silver Wolf as a member of your team for her various debuffs.

Any character with a debuff will synergize with Acheron since inflicting it on an enemy will allow Acheron to stack her Talent. Stacking it allows Acheron to use her Ultimate. With this, Gallagher will be the healer since his Enhanced Basic ATK can reduce an enemy's ATK.

Jing Yuan Team

Main DP Sub-DPS Support Healer
Jing Yuan Topaz Tingyun Bailu
Paths & Blessings Path: Abundance Blessings: Abundance, Elation, Hunt

Jing Yuan is an excellent DPS for World 6. His Lightning-Lord's attacks both deal great AoE and single-target damage during the final boss fight. Topaz can be added to the team to increase the Lightning-Lord's DMG further since she can increase the damage received from follow-up attacks.

If you want more damage for enemies weak to Fire, you can swap out Tingyun for Asta. She can deal good break damage and still buff the Lightning-Lord's DMG!

Fire Team

Main DPS Sub-DPS Support Utility
Himeko Topaz Asta Fu Xuan
Paths & Blessings Path: Elation Blessings: Elation, Abundance, Hunt

Himeko and Topaz are very good partners for World 6 since the latter can increase the enemy's DMG from follow-up attacks. Himeko is the main DPS of this team comp since she is also particularly good at getting rid of Cocolia's summons with her AoE Skill and Ultimate.

Fu Xuan can solo sustain as long as her Matrix of Prescience is active throughout the battle. However, you can replace Fu Xuan with a healer if you don't have her, preferably someone with a cleanse. Also, try to get Abundance Blessings such as Prajna Boat to increase the team's survivability!

Imbibitor Lunae Team

Main DPS Support Support Healer
Imbibitor Lunae Sparkle Silver Wolf Luocha
Paths & Blessings Path: Propagation or Abundance Blessings: Propagation, Abundance, The Hunt, Preservation

An Imaginary Team can work for World 6 with Silver Wolf since she can guarantee an Imaginary Weakness to Cocolia and the elite enemies except the Decaying Shadow. Sparkle provides offensive buffs and SP restoration for Imbibitor Lunae.

With Dan Heng - Imbibitor Lunae as the DPS, he can simultaneously attack Bronya during the second phase of Cocolia's boss fight and break her shield!

Blade Team

Main DPS Support Support Healer
Blade Bronya Silver Wolf Lynx
Paths & Blessings Path: The Abundance Blessings: Abundance, Destruction, Hunt

With Silver Wolf, you can run a team with Blade as the DPS because Silver Wolf can add a Wind Weakness to Cocolia and the other enemies using her Skill. Just make sure that the Elements of the other members of the team are either Fire, Lightning, Quantum, or Wind!

How to Beat Cocolia - World 6 Boss

Choose Abundance with Anatta and Anicca Resonances

Cocolia has a lot of high damaging attacks that can also Freeze players. By going down the Abundance Path and choosing the Resonance Formation upgrades called Anicca and Anatta, you will be able to constantly heal yourself and easily remove debuffs!

Without these Blessings, you need to have debuff cleansers like Natasha or Bronya who can remove the Freeze effect. This is because Cocolia has a devastating AoE attack that can potentially one-shot Frozen units!

Destroy Cocolia's Summons

Simulated Universe World 6 Guide | Honkai: Star Rail|Game8 (75)

Throughout the entire fight, Cocolia will summon Ice Edges that will deal constant AoE Ice damage. It's very important to remove these summons immediately after they spawn as they will last all throughout the fight.

It is also incredibly important to remove these summons before the next phase. This is because Cocolia will immediately take action and deal damage after resetting her health bar, which might combo into the summon also dealing damage.

Focus on Bronya When She Appears

Simulated Universe World 6 Guide | Honkai: Star Rail|Game8 (76)

Bronya should become your main target priority once she appears during Phase 2 of the fight.

With Bronya on the field, Cocolia will be able to use a dangerous AoE attack called Wrath of Winterland Saints immediately. The counterplay for this move is to either have enough Ultimates to Apply Weakness Break or Freeze her if you happen to use The Path of Remembrance instead.

Closing Out the Final Phase

The final phase of the fight becomes a straight brawl where Cocolia will keep summoning structures and charge her AoE attack. Make sure to have your Supports always apply shields and keep their Ultimates ready.

During this phase, your support units might need to take up more Skill Points to keep your team alive, so your DPS might have a more passive role where they use more Basic Attacks and rely more on their Ultimates for damage.

World 6 Rewards

Planar Ornament Rewards

World 6 Planar Ornaments
Belobog of the Architects Inert Salsotto

Relics and Planar Ornaments Guide

First Time Clearance Rewards

Difficulty 1

Trailblaze EXP x600

Stellar Jade x120

Herta Bond x2

Herta x1

Difficulty 2

Trailblaze EXP x200

Stellar Jade x60

Inert Salsotto 2 pc. Set (5★)

Difficulty 3

Trailblaze EXP x200

Stellar Jade x60

Belobog of the Architects 2 pc. Set (5★)

Difficulty 4

Trailblaze EXP x200

Stellar Jade x60

Inert Salsotto 2 pc. Set (5★)

You can only claim the First Time Clearance rewards once after clearing the stage for the first time.

Honkai: Star Rail Related Guides

Simulated Universe World 6 Guide | Honkai: Star Rail|Game8 (92)

Simulated Universe Guide

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World 1 World 2 World 3
World 4 World 5 Simulated Universe World 6 Guide | Honkai: Star Rail|Game8 (98) World 6
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Propagation Preservation Abundance
Nihility The Hunt Remembrance
Destruction Elation Erudition

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Simulated Universe World 6 Guide | Honkai: Star Rail|Game8 (2024)
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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.